Robin’s death was classified as “undetermined”.

Robin Davis

“Body of woman burned ‘beyond recognition’ in Orrington car fire” read one of the news articles describing how Robin Davis was found in her car on June 11th, 2017. Robin was a 38-year-old mother to one son, she was well-known and deeply loved by locals after dedicating years of her life to customer service, and she was also newly engaged to David Appleby. Police could not determine the cause of the car fire. Robin’s death remains undetermined.

Though her body was badly burned, Robin’s autopsy revealed that she suffered blunt force trauma to her head, and her hyoid bone was broken, which occurs in nearly half of all cases of manual strangulation. Robin’s seatbelt was not fastened, her doors were not locked, and her car was in park. There was virtually nothing stopping Robin from exiting the vehicle. There was no soot found in Robin’s lungs and she was believed to be deceased prior to the fire starting. While her specific cause of death is undetermined – her autopsy reads that strangulation cannot be ruled out.

Creekbed where car was found